Friday, May 29, 2009

Time for some serious soul-searching

Its been quite a while since I sat to write something..I've been kept away due to quite a few reasons..a little extra work, office culturals etc etc..but more than anything, I'm just a little skeptical and very worried about how monotonous life has become and seriously don't wanna even imagine becoming yet another also-ran..Agreed, I'm the culprit for having chosen Engineering and this path purely because I didn't think about other options..Inevitably I was led into the IT industry and ever since, its all been all too boring..Never did I ever want to be involved in this field..I have always been the one who loves sports, history and just about anything to do with medicine..In hindsight I always feel I should have done something and moved on in the field of sports writing/journalism..Though definitely less lucrative than the so called high paying IT field, I would have undoubtedly had the joy of working with what I love the most..

But once again, that is hindsight and now I am pretty much trying to salvage whats remaining. I have not been able to devote any time for myself despite staying alone..Getting back home, gym, dinner and then watching TV for sometime, couple of phone calls and crash..This pretty much describes the weekdays.Weekends fly past in a jiffy and I am truly feeling that I have to do something sooner rather than later to arrest the flight of time..Lack of good company is a serious issue..whining about it aint gonna do anything except add to my depression..It is most definitely time to address the monotony that has crept into my life before it magnifies itself..Tennis, cricket, reading what not..! it seems like there are plenty of options and things to do but the mind just aint ready to accept it..

How long can I continue to go to a Cafe alone with a book every weekend..and get back and rue the fact that I have no all comes down to being proactive..I suppose I have to make the right efforts and go the right places to find the crowd..Frankly I have become a little aimless..I do know what I wanna do but don't know how and when to get there..recently a friend of mine asked me what he should do in order to get rid of the monotony..I came up with about a hour's advice and gave him quite a bit to think about...Wish I had the ability to inspire myself or at least someone around to raise my spirits!!

I have come to a conclusion though and a I believe a very positive one..there is simply no use harping about whats not been and what could have rather get to work and look to get on track and keep myself occupied doing stuff I always wanted and that is quite a bit..Without doubt the coming 2-3 years are gonna be the time when I can really lay a great platform for the future with the aid of a positive and proactive approach or end up stagnant with the silly old approach of whining..I firmly believe its gonna be the former and with that will end the agony of writing such blogs and spare everyone of the even greater trouble while reading these!!!

1 comment:

manasa said...

hmm... salsa?? :P