Friday, June 25, 2010

A regret that lingers on..

I happened to read Andre Agassi's autobiography 'OPEN' recently..Dramatic in parts, but extremely well written mostly. The most poignant aspect was the fact that he was never really in love with the game into which he was forced by his father..Both Steffi Graf and Agassi hated tennis but could not live without it..Reading this only made me realize how much one would have enjoyed playing a sport after truly loving it..Certain regrets are fleeting, but some linger on..The fact that I never really did try and learn to play a sport professionally and regularly has been something I just cant seem to get over. I have played enough street cricket, tennis ball cricket, football, table tennis and tennis too over the last few years...but I should have worked out a way to play them on a more serious basis..SPORT is SERIOUS..whoever said that its just entertainment and not meant to be taken seriously needs to think again..!

Now I try playing tennis, hit around with a coach, improve my game etc..but, it doesn't take me too far..If only I had done this while in school/college..the game would have been much better..I would have also been able to play a game which I so love to watch and talk about..Test cricket, my biggest love..How I wish I could have played the sport professionally..Academics as usual- the bane of life.came in the way..There was no way one could be expected to succeed if he chose the sports field..All that was required to succeed was cramming up some goddamn notes, give exams..come on guys..i just hope that sick attitude in India changes with this generation..Not for once did my parents ever tell me what to do or not to do..I myself take the blame for being indecisive..Watching kids play the game, come up well in it leaves me wondering if I've truly wasted the best years of life..Studies and exams were given too much importance when they really didn't deserve it and when I try to give importance to sport, there just seems to be no opportunity nor the time..

I would not like to force anybody into sport for it can only result in hatred within..But I would make as concerted an effort as possible to see that my kids enjoy sport, play one and learn it well right from their early years..I cannot stop regretting the fact that I, being such a huge sports fan, never learned/got a chance (read not allowed by stupid society) to play a game professionally, but if I can get my kid(s) in future to love sport and play it, it will definitely feel a lot better!..

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