Another crossword and this time on another of my favourite topics.. genetics- endlessly fascinating and most give it a shot and lemme know how it is..

2. mutation in gene on X chromosome (muscular degeneration)-- (10)
3. widely used organism in genetic analysis -- (10)
4. Ethically prohibited form of gene therapy -- (8)
5. prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal disorders -- (13)
6. Hairy pinna(Y chromosome) -- (14)
8. Abbreviation for an autosomal recessive disorder (leads to progressive mental retardation) --(3)
10. In RNA but not in DNA --(6)
14. Process to generate multiple copies of a DNA sequence --(3)
16. Rna to dna synthesis in retroviruses --(7,13)
18. Observable traits, characteristics or behaviour of an organism-- (9)
19. Missed the Nobel for DNA structure --(8)
1. Gene with the potential to cause cancer --(8)
5. DNA Fingerprinting --(4,8)
7. Non-identical twins --(9)
9. XXY --(11)
11. Trisomy 21 --(4,8)
12. Lab where Watson and Crick discovered the double helix structure --(9)
13. DNA->mRNA->Protein --(7,5)
15. Human cloning, really?? -- (7)
17. Controls cell division --(8)
Answer key
2. mutation in gene on X chromosome (muscular degeneration)-- dystrophin
3. widely used organism in genetic analysis -- drosophila
4. Ethically prohibited form of gene therapy -- germ line
5. prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal disorders -- amniocentesis
6. Hairy pinna(Y chromosome) -- hypertrichosis
8. Abbreviation for an autosomal recessive disorder (leads to progressive mental retardation) -- PKU
10. In RNA but not in DNA -- Uracil
14. Process to generate multiple copies of a DNA sequence -- PCR
16. Rna to dna synthesis in retroviruses -- Reverse Transcriptase
18. Observable traits, characteristics or behaviour of an organism-- phenotype
19. Missed the Nobel for DNA structure -- rosalind franklin
1. Gene with the potential to cause cancer -- oncogene
5. DNA Fingerprinting -- alec jeffreys
7. Non-identical twins -- dizygotic
9. XXY -- Klinefelter syndrome
11. Trisomy 21 -- down syndrome
12. Lab where Watson and Crick discovered the double helix structure -- Cavendish
13. DNA->mRNA->Protein --central dogma
15. Human cloning, really?? -- Clonaid
17. Controls cell division -- telomere